Most Common Electrical Issues Impacting Kansas City Businesses

most common electrical issues impacting kansas city businesses

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Electrical issues are a nightmare. It’s a nightmare at your home, but when it affects your business, that can mean big problems. We often don’t get a warning that something is wrong until it happens.

At your place of business, you need constant and uninterrupted power to keep everything running, from machines to phones and computers. When there are problems, it can mean a loss of income.

Most Common Electrical Issues Impacting Kansas City Businesses

There can be any number of things that can go wrong at your place of business.

Flickering Lights

Flickering lights are usually the result of a loose connection, which might not seem like a big deal, but if it isn’t caught and fixed quickly it can cause much larger problems

It can be very distracting and irritating for people who work there and your customers. Check the light itself that is flickering, as it might just be the bulb about to burn out. If not, call your electrician.

Sudden Power Outages

A sudden power outage is never good. If it is isolated to your building alone, and not a city-wide or whole block outage, then there is a problem. This is never good for employees or clients.

This can happen when a safety trigger gets switched. But if the power loss doesn’t cover your entire building, you might find that it’s a circuit breaker that’s tripped for that area.

This usually happens when the breaker is overloaded with power and it can’t supply it all. Sometimes just flicking the switch will bring the power back on, but if it doesn’t, you need a professional electrician to come to check it out.

Moisture Damage

Moisture seepage results when your building has a drainage problem or a water leak in the pipes. White corrosion and rust on the electric box or near it are an indication that there is excessive moisture.

If you find moisture, water dripping, or puddles, call the electrician. Don’t touch anything yourself. You can get injured, shocked, or electrocuted.

Power Surge

One of the most common electrical issues is a power surge. An electrical surge is most often caused by a lightning strike during a thunderstorm, however, it can also be caused by an old or low-quality conduit that may have been used when the building was constructed. The damage from power surges can easily be prevented by installing a quality surge protector.

Tripped Circuit Breaker

Another common electrical issue is a tripped circuit breaker. This can happen when there are too many electrical devices all trying to draw power at the same time. Many businesses have many pieces of electrical equipment plugged in at once.

It can also happen if there are not enough outlets for everything. Power bars and socket adapters are often added to allow more item to draw electricity and that can trip the breaker

Damaged Cables

The service line connecting your business to the power cables outside can become damaged and worn out which affects the power supply. It could happen if the cables are knocked loose, missing clamps, or may not be insulated. If the cables are damaged then you will have to contact your utility company.

Old Wiring

If the building your business is in is old, then there could be all sorts of problems with the wiring.

Contact Your Electrician

Our electricity is something we often take for granted until it’s not there. Why not schedule an inspection with the experts at Fusion Electric. They can let you know if there are problems and get your business up and running.

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Jeff LeSuer




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