Electrical Safety During the Holidays

Electrical Safety During the Holidays

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When we are enjoying ourselves, we don’t often think about electrical safety during the holidays. But that is just the reason why we should. It’s too easy to have a disaster strike when we least expect it.

The holidays are the very reason we should be more vigilant. There are often many more decorations, a tree, more people in the house, and a much busier kitchen.

Safety during the holidays is all about prevention. Here are a few ways you can stay safe from electrical problems.

Get an Inspection for Electrical Safety

Before you start anything, have your home and your electrical system inspected. This is the best way to ensure electrical safety during the holidays. Before you start getting up decorations and plugging in more lights and appliances.

Ideally, have it done before the holidays so in case there are any repairs or upgrades needed, they are already finished by the time the holidays arrive. You don’t want to find out there are big problems in the swing of things.

Don’t Overload Sockets

It can be very tempting to add an extension cord, power strip, or outlet extenders to just plug in one more string of lights or one more appliance. If lack of sockets is a problem, get your electrician to add more.

Older homes very often don’t have many outlets and this can be frustrating. But electrical safety during the holidays means not taking chances. If you lack sockets, move some things around or use appliances in turn, not all at once.

Watch Your Cords

Chances are, you have extra items plugged in make sure the cords are not sticking out where they can trip people or get broken. Electrical safety during the holidays can mean replacing any frayed or broken cords.

These can be a big problem, once they have broken and the wires are exposed, people can get shocked, electrocuted and they can also start a fire and short out your electrical system.

Keep an Eye on Your Tree

Everyone loves the lights on the Christmas tree but keep an eye on the lights. If you have a live tree, it needs water. Water and electric lights don’t mix. If your tree gets dry, the lights can cause a fire.

If you have a small fireplace, space heater, or even an electric fireplace, be sure to keep them clear of the tree and the presents and paper underneath. Space heaters in particular can cause a lot of damage.

Use LED lights and never use candles. Even a plastic or fiber tree can get too hot from old lights, so make sure you watch it carefully. Be especially careful when there are small kids and pets in the home.

Use Timers

For all the lights on the house or the yard, put them on a timer. That way, if you are celebrating and busy, they can come on and off when you program them to. Then you don’t have to worry.

You can have each string on a timer, so avoid stringing too many together. Even though they are made to connect, stick to two or three only. This is often missed as electrical safety during the holidays.

Electrical Safety During the Holidays

If you need more help or information about electrical safety during the holidays or any time, please contact us here at Fusion Electric. Don’t take chances with your electricity.

Get an inspection before the problems become problems. Don’t have your holiday ruined with electrical problems that could have been avoided.

Jeff LeSuer avatar

Jeff LeSuer




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