7 Super Sneaky Bathroom Outlet Upgrades

bathroom outlet

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When you get ready in the morning, are you tired of the hassle and tangle of your hair blow dryers and electric shavers? These electronics are helpful, but losing the counter space to them is not. The team at Fusion Electric has put together a bathroom outlet collection that will give you the space and freedom to prep for the day without the headache. Read on to discover these clever and creative places to put bathroom outlets.

Outlets In the Drawer

Outlets In The Drawer

Yep! You can put your outlets in your drawer. Move an existing outlet to a drawer, or simply add another outlet to the drawer. Whether you put it in the back or nestle it in a corner, It’s an open and shut case for more outlets!

Pop Out Outlets

Pop Out Outlets

Not only do these outlets look sleeker, they are safer for children because the outlet doesn’t exist until you make it pop out of the wall with a quick push. These pop out outlets are so cool looking they almost qualify as pop art!





Electrical Outlets Under CounterElectrical Outlets Under the Counter

Outlets don’t have to be on a wall anymore. Tuck some under the counter for extra easy access.

Medicine Cabinet OutletsMedicine Cabinet

Is your electric toothbrush always sitting out on the counter because you have to leave it plugged in? Tuck it into the medicine cabinet with this handy, hidden outlet. Keep your bathroom tidy and keep your toothbrush handy too!



Hidden Outlet Inside the Cabinet

Hidden Outlets Inside Cabinets

How low can you go? Outlets don’t have to be high on the wall. There are no rules as to where they belong. An electrician can add outlets wherever you want them. Placing them inside the cabinet keeps your walls free from disruption and that’s where you keep your electrical appliances like hair dryers and razors anyway.



Outlet Recessed In FloorOutlet Recessed in the Floor

Have a problem finding an outlet for that new stand-alone towel warmer? Want it right next to the shower, but there’s no outlet nearby? Never fear. Just put one in the floor. Yes, floor outlets work in bathrooms too! We know…you’re floored by this news.  😉



Swivel Floor Outlet

Swivel Floor Outlet

Not only can you install an outlet in the floor, you can add multiple outlets that pop up when you need them and lie flat when you don’t so they won’t obstruct foot traffic.

Related Read: 5 Electrical Upgrades That Make Your Kansas City Home Safer

Bonus Bathroom Lighting Ideas

Night Light CoversNight Light Covers

Need a little light at night for those midnight bathroom visits? These safety lights can be quickly installed on any standard outlet without any extra wiring, and switch on and off automatically. Plus, it doesn’t plug into the outlet so it is free for other plugs.


USB Outlets

USB Outlets

Do you charge your phone overnight in your bathroom? This is outlet is perfect for you. No need for the adapter cube, just plug your phone into the USB outlet located on the cover! Yes, even outlets are changing with the times!


Toilet LightsToilet Light

No more stumbling around in the dark. The GlowBowl is motion activated, so it turns on when you enter the room and off when you leave. It is light sensitive, so it only activates at night so the battery lasts longer.

If you need help installing any outlets in your home, just give us a call at (913) 563-7975 or contact us online and we’ll be glad to help!

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Jeff LeSuer




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